by Traveling Golfer Staff | Aug 10, 2020
Ontario, 800 Courses, many that are Traveling Golfer Favourites When I first started this piece, it was intended to be one article and even with covering public access courses I soon came to the realization that it would be way too long. Part 1 and part 2 it shall be....
by Traveling Golfer Staff | Aug 7, 2020
Sculpted into the edge of the Niagara Escarpment, Greystone is one of the most scenic and respected parkland courses in the ClubLink family. One of the earliest creations – and among the most popular – of architect Doug Carrick, Greystone winds...
by Traveling Golfer Staff | Jul 25, 2016
By: John Gordon If you’re looking to play some of the big-name courses in Muskoka this summer, forget about it. The undeniable allure of one of the world’s most desirable vacation destinations peaks in July and August. As a result, those fortunate enough to reside...
by Traveling Golfer Staff | Jun 21, 2016
From the tranquility of Cobble Beach to the barhopping action of Blue Mountain, there’s much ado on the stretch from Owen Sound to Collingwood By Ted McIntyre Beautiful cars adorn the parking lots of great golf courses like fine jewellery—baubles testifying to a...
by Traveling Golfer Staff | Jun 23, 2014
By: John Gordon It’s not “Muskoka Lite.” It’s not Muskoka’s lesser sibling. It’s Georgian Bay … and there are other things it’s not. It’s not far from most of Ontario’s major centres: Toronto, Kitchener-Waterloo, London. It’s not nearly as expensive to visit as some...