by Traveling Golfer Staff | Aug 29, 2018
I can vouch to that! The Philippines may be relatively unknown as a golf holiday destination, and it might be a hike for those of us in North America but it leaves a big smile on the faces of those who make the effort to get there. I made my first visit earlier this...
by Tim Baines | Feb 21, 2017
By: Tim Baines Just 15 minutes away from Orlando’s iconic Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and the rest of Disney’s magical world, you can find peace and a couple of wonderful golf courses. The ChampionsGate Golf Club has a country feel, its two Greg Norman signature...
by Traveling Golfer Staff | Aug 20, 2015
By Mark Sawyer When you mention Vietnam, you immediately conjure up thoughts of rice paddy fields, farm workers & refugees. Whilst Vietnam has retained its agriculture & rural origins, the country has progressed enormously and is fast becoming one of the...
by Traveling Golfer Staff | Dec 17, 2013
by Dave Finn Lana’i, once known as the Pineapple Island, is the smallest inhabited island in this Pacific chain. It sits about 9 miles west of Maui but feels like a world away. Known for its laid-back lifestyle, Lana’i boasts fewer than 3,200 full-time residents, 30...